Níos Moille

Níos Moille is a project of instrumental compositions, resulting from improvising with multiple layers and textures. To date, I’ve released 3 albums: Hypotheses (2023), Through the Shade (2019), and The Good Alone (2017). Each is available on bandcamp and all streaming services.

On the most recent release, Hypotheses : I made these songs as funk-breakers at the beginning of 2023 when my gears were stuck while working on Songs For Dogs. I had such a clear vision for S4D in my head but nothing I wrote or played felt like it matched. So I sulked for a bit, and then decided a break was in order. I took to carrying my old school handycam around with me every day, capturing moments in the scenery that felt like a pause to me. Each Sunday, I’d throw 4 or 5 of those clips into Adobe Rush, edit a short video, and then add some guitar tracks over it. I did that for 10 weeks. It was a fresh breath and helped open my eyes a bit. Also, a practice in not worrying about whatever I thought a piece should be, and letting it happen, is always welcome for an oldest child with anxiety. I ended up liking the results enough that I wanted to put them out into the world. They’re rough, on purpose, as they are mostly improvised. But a few of them are really cool, and as an album I just like what they represent to me. Not quitting when it’s hard, but definitely pausing, and pouring one’s self into something else and checking in with how that feels.